Moving Step 3: Who’s Helping?


As your moving date approaches, its time to start thinking about how you’re going to transport all your belongings. Are you going to rent a truck and move your belongings with close friends and family, or possibly hire some professional movers? There is alot to consider, with many pros and cons – but not to worry, our favourite organizer Ange McNamara from Klear Inc. is back this week with her professional opinion on moving help!

Moving Option 1: Hire Movers

Speaking from personal experience, we have tried both options over the years – hired movers and rented a truck with family & friends. While both options are effective, they each have pros and cons that need to be considered.

If it is in your moving budget, I would personally recommend hiring a moving company. Since they do this for a living they know how to efficiently pack and unload a truck with the benefit of their own moving blankets to protect your belongings. By using these moving blankets, the movers can safely and efficiently move all your items with their professional equipment without the struggle of having to lift it on your own. In addition, most moving companies are insured, so if something does get damaged in the move, you are covered. Overall, movers can make the day a lot less stressful on you and your back!

Unfortunately, there is a cost for hiring movers and it can get pricey. On average, movers can cost upwards of $150/hour. This of course can differ between companies, but, since moving can take almost a whole day, hiring movers can put a large dent into your moving budget. It is important to take in these pros and cons when deciding on your day-of help.

Moving Option 2: Family and Friends

Renting a truck with family & friends can be more economical and can add a bit of fun to an otherwise stressful day. There is typically more comfort having family or friends help with a move and sometimes friends will stick around after the move to help you clean, unpack, or setup furniture, which is always a bonus! Having a rental truck also means you can take your time and work at your own pace.

On the downside, there are can be hidden costs to a rental truck such as gas top-ups and rental insurance that you need to consider. There are also moving costs that come with doing it on your own such as the possibility that your belonging may get damaged, and if so, who pays for it? It’s a difficult conversation to have with a friend who has offered to help you move. We have had this situation happen in one of our moves. The legs of our $500 antique credenza were accidentally broken off by a friend, rendering it irreparable. This was a loss that we absorbed.

There is also the unfortunate consideration that your family or friends helping you may get injured lifting heavier items. Although there may be more stress doing the move with those close to you, there is less of a financial burden and can be more rewarding.

Moving Option 3: Pod Rental

There is also the option to rent a moving pod. This can mean more time to pack and unpack it, which can reduce stress and help you stay organized throughout the process. It is also cheaper than a moving company for a month rental – a 16 ft pod for 1-month rental in the same city including drop off and pickup with driveway-to-driveway delivery is around $450. And, you can start filling the pod on your own, weeks before your move. This can be helpful if you don’t have available family & friends for assistance or can’t afford a moving company. You will also have plenty of time to unpack out of your pod after you’ve moved. Pod companies will drop the pod off in your driveway, and there is the option of storing it at their facility if needed. However, there are small disadvantages including leaving your belongings exposed to the cold or heat if packed early, potential theft, and the loss of parking space on your driveway.

What’s Right for You?

Each of these options have pros and cons that need to be considered, but ultimately whatever help you decide on is what should work for you. Whether you hire professionals, ask for help from those close to you, or rent a moving pod, take the time to consider your options and make the best choice for you. Remember these key considerations when choosing who will be helping you move:

    • Budget
    • Physical limitations
    • Availability of assistance
    • Timeline
    • Kids? (may impact the above categories)

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Last week, Ange McNamara gave some helpful tips on organizing a Moving Checklist. Click here to read more about it and stay tuned next week as we dive into our last blog of the series, Moving Made Simple Step 4: Packing Tips!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about decluttering and have questions about where to start, contact a professional organizer like Ange to get your home ready for your next step.