Fall Home Maintenance: Getting Your Home Ready For Winter


Fall is one of the most important times for home maintenance – it’s a great opportunity to get your home in order before the below zero temperatures and snow hits. We know all too well that home maintenance can be overwhelming, but by breaking it down into different areas of the home, it can be much easier! Start outside in the garden, tackle the outdoors, then move indoors. Follow the checklists below to ensure you have covered all areas of your home.


garden maintenance

Many people overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy lawn. Not only does your lawn serve as a giant air conditioner by releasing large amount of oxygen into the air, but it also captures a ton of dirt and dust to keep you and your family healthy. It can also be very costly to repair if regular maintenance is not kept up. Here are a few to-do’s that will help your lawn stay healthy ahead of the winter months:

  • Pull any weeds you see, making sure to get the root to prevent it from growing back
  • Once your perennials turn brown, cut back any dead growth to give the plants a fresh start for spring. If you have any new perennials or bulbs you would like to come up in the spring, now is a good time to plant those while the ground is still warm.
  • Rake fallen leaves, use yard waste bags to store them and remember to put them out on your collection day
  • Check your potted plants for pests and move them indoors if necessary. If you have any outdoor plants that are sensitive, now is good time to cover them with mulch or cloth.
  • Keep watering your lawn and plants until the ground freezes


outdoor maintenance


You might be asking yourself, aren’t outdoor and garden the same thing? While the garden is (typically) outside, with outdoor maintenance, we look past the lawn and plants. At Activa, we want your home to be in excellent condition for years to come so a few things to look out for include:

  • Check your roof for broken or missing shingles; hire someone to repair if necessary
  • Clear out and clean your gutters
  • Store away your patio furniture
  • Turn off water connections and drain hoses once it gets cold
  • Check the ground surrounding your home’s foundation and ensure it’s on a slant (this will prevent water accumulation against foundation). If water does not drain away, make sure you install a longer downspout that can direct water away from the home and into the street.
  • Inspect and test all of your winter equipment (the last thing you want is for a big snowfall to come and suddenly your snow blower doesn’t work… believe us, it’s happened before!)



interior maintenance

Now that you’ve done what was needed to maintain the exterior of your home, you can continue inside. There are some important things to go through to keep your home safe and comfortable. Let’s start with the maintenance of all your systems:

  • Clean your furnace filter and your HRV (heat recovery ventilation system) filter
  • Have your furnace and/or HRV serviced if needed (once a year is ideal)
  • Empty the water bucket from your dehumidifier
  • Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If required, replace the batteries.


Another important thing to look out for on a regular basis is the humidity of your home. Many complications can arise that are not covered under warranty if the humidity of your home is not properly maintained, which is why we give each of our Activa homeowners a portable Hygrometer to test the humidity in their homes. To find out more on humidity and your home click here!

Now your home should be in perfect shape for the colder months and freezing temperatures. For more information on home maintenance for each season, visit activa.ca/learn.

Have you found an issue and you’re not sure what’s covered under your warranty?

With the purchase of an Activa home, our partner Tarion has you covered under warranty for years to come. For more information on what is covered please go to Tarion and login to see your home details. You can also check your customer experience binder for more specifics!


And Remember!

At Activa, we are present at every step of the home buying process – which includes years after you have moved in! We want to minimize any complications that could be costly and time consuming and want our homeowners to feel safe and in-control of their new home.